Firmware Update

Firmware update now available for BA-440 Barcode Readers and BA-220 Barcode Readers

DATE: 25 Jun 2024

Barcode Automation, inc. (BAi) introduces new firmware for BA-440 and BA-220 Readers. Once updated BAi Readers gain the ability to read: multiple label formats, multiple facility codes, and our newest label format known as BC3 decals.

The BC3 decals were introduced a year ago to solve the number one request we receive, "Can the decals be made smaller?" Our engineering team developed a new barcode symbology that reduced the decal size by 60%. To help properties transition to this new format with minimal costs or disruptions, we developed a new firmware compatible with all BA-220 and BA-440 Readers.

The new firmware's ability to decode multiple formats helps properties switch to these new smaller credentials without having to immediately replace their current decals. All older barcode label formats in circulation work alongside the new BC3 format.

Our team also developed a method to decode multiple facility codes. Many customers want ways to provide staff access to multiple properties, while not allowing residents to access multiple properties. Utilizing multiple facility codes on the Reader allows this without having to issue multiple credentials. Another use is in Master Associations with multiple Sub Associations; there they can have communal BAi Readers process up to 12 facility codes, while BAi Readers specific to a Sub Association can be configured to read only their specific facility code. This same concept can be applied to non-residential properties as well such as universities that may want students to park in a specific lot, but give administrators access to multiple lots.

The new firmware is standard on all new purchases of a BA-440 (or BA-440 Decoder). We also upgrade any unit that comes in for repair. Field upgrade is possible on existing readers by replacing a circuit board on the decoder. This circuit board is free to customers with the return of the original circuit board after installation. We have a similar circuit board available at no charge for older BA-220 units. Note that BA-200 Readers are not compatible; the reader must be a BA-220.

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