Knights Circle - UCF Affiliated Housing

BAi long range vehicle identification at student housing complex.

Knights Circle – formerly Pegasus Landing, is a University of Central Florida (UCF) affiliated housing for students. It sits on 80 acres at 12440 Golden Knight Circle and is just across the street from UCF. At any given moment – as fluid as student populations tend to be, this apartment complex is home to 2,000 students from UCF, Valencia College, Seminole State College and Full Sail University.

Knights Circle has everything any student would want – furnished apartments, swimming pools, recreational facilities, a computer lab and more. It also has something important that parents want – security. Student safety is important to UCF and there are several levels of security in place on-site at Knights Circle. In addition to employing security guards, placing cameras in critical locations and fencing the area, Knights Circle has four access controlled entrance gates with Barcode Automation’s BA-220 DualBeam Barcode Readers.

BAi long range vehicle identification at student housing complex.

Jack Haag, has been service manager at Knights Circle for nearly four years. Per Jack, parents like the BA-220 Barcode Readers. “It gives them (parents) a feeling of security. Plus, we have 24-hour security here on campus with cameras. Parents really love seeing the BAi Readers and 24 hour security keeping outsiders from driving through the the property.”

A major challenge for Knights Circle, like other student housing facilities, is maintaining and restricting access in a high-turnover property. Nearly 1,600 students move in and out of Knights Circle any given year. This was the challenge—to find a budget-friendly system capable of generating and maintaining a near endless supply of individual identification numbers.

“When considering systems, a big concern for us is the high turnover rate. We have approximately 2,000 students living here and 1,600 of those change each year. We needed a system that students wouldn’t be able to take with them or retain access of after leaving. Barcode Automation’s system provided the solution for high-turnover because the students can’t share the decal and we deactivate them when they leave. Our installer was able to connect all four of our Barcode Readers to one control system. We’re now updating twice a day to ensure only current residents’ decals will be granted access.”

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